Data Type in C sharp

Data Types Overview

Here we will discuss about the C# tutorial about data types.
Computer programs work with data. Spreadsheets, text editors, calculators or chat clients. Tools to work with various data types are essential part of a modern computer language. A data type is a set of values, and the allowable operations on those values
A data type can be described as being either:
  • A built-in data type, such as an int or char, or
  • A user-defined data type, such as a class or interface.
  • Data types can also be defined as being either:
  • Value Types (C# Reference), which store values, or
  • Reference Types (C# Reference), which store references to the actual data.

    Explain the data types in C#

    Explain the data types in C#
    Explain the data types in C#
    Explain the data types in C#, real world example of data type in c# sharp, live code for data type in c sharp, use of data type in c#